@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Getting started with developing Gogs
+> This document is driven from https://docs.sourcegraph.com/dev/local_development.
+Gogs is developed in [Go](https://golang.org/), please take [A Tour of Go](https://tour.golang.org/) if you haven't done so!
+## Outline
+- [Environment](#environment)
+- [Step 1: Install dependencies](#step-1-install-dependencies)
+- [Step 2: Initialize your database](#step-2-initialize-your-database)
+- [Step 3: Get the code](#step-3-get-the-code)
+- [Step 4: Configure database settings](#step-4-configure-database-settings)
+- [Step 5: Start the server](#step-5-start-the-server)
+- [Other nice things](#other-nice-things)
+## Environment
+Gogs is built and runs as a single binary and meant to be cross platform. Therefore, you should be able to develop Gogs in any major platforms you prefer.
+## Step 1: Install dependencies
+Gogs has the following dependencies:
+- [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) (v1.8.3 or higher)
+- [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) (v1.11 or higher)
+- [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/)
+- Database upon your choice (pick one, we choose PostgreSQL in this document):
+ - [PostgreSQL](https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Detailed_installation_guides) (v9.6 or higher)
+ - [MySQL](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/) with `ENGINE=InnoDB` (v5.7 or higher)
+ - [SQLite3](https://www.sqlite.org/index.html)
+ - [MSSQL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server) (SQL Server 2005 or newer)
+ - [TiDB](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb)
+### macOS
+1. Install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/).
+2. Install dependencies:
+ ```bash
+ brew install go postgresql git go-bindata
+ ```
+3. Configure PostgreSQL to start automatically:
+ ```bash
+ brew services start postgresql
+ ```
+### Ubuntu
+1. Update repositories:
+ ```bash
+ sudo apt-get update
+ ```
+2. Install dependencies:
+ ```bash
+ sudo apt install -y make git-all postgresql postgresql-contrib golang-go
+ go get -u github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata/...
+ ```
+3. Configure startup services:
+ ```bash
+ sudo systemctl enable postgresql
+ ```
+4. Ensure `psql`, the PostgreSQL command line client, is on your `$PATH`.
+ Homebrew does not put it there by default. Homebrew gives you the command to run to insert `psql` in your path in the "Caveats" section of `brew info postgresql`. Alternatively, you can use the command below. It might need to be adjusted depending on your Homebrew prefix (`/usr/local` below) and shell (bash below).
+ ```bash
+ hash psql || { echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/postgresql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile }
+ source ~/.bash_profile
+ ```
+## Step 2: Initialize your database
+You need a fresh Postgres database and a database user that has full ownership of that database.
+1. Create a database for the current Unix user:
+ ```bash
+ # For Linux users, first access the postgres user shell
+ sudo su - postgres
+ ```
+ ```bash
+ createdb
+ ```
+2. Create the Gogs user and password:
+ ```bash
+ createuser --superuser gogs
+ ```
+3. Create the Gogs database
+ ```bash
+ createdb --owner=gogs --encoding=UTF8 --template=template0 gogs
+ ```
+## Step 3: Get the code
+Generally, you don't need a full clone, so set `--depth` to `10`:
+git clone --depth 10 https://github.com/gogs/gogs.git
+## Step 4: Configure database settings
+Create a `custom/conf/app.ini` file inside the repository and put the following configuration (everything under `custom/` directory is used to override default files and is excluded by `.gitignore`):
+DB_TYPE = postgres
+NAME = gogs
+USER = gogs
+SSL_MODE = disable
+## Step 5: Start the server
+make web
+## Other nice things
+### Offline development
+Sometimes you will want to develop Gogs but it just so happens you will be on a plane or a train or perhaps a beach, and you will have no WiFi. And you may raise your fist toward heaven and say something like, "Why, we can put a man on the moon, so why can't we develop high-quality Git hosting without an Internet connection?" But lower your hand back to your keyboard and fret no further, for the year is 2020, and you *can* develop Gogs with no connectivity by setting the following configuration in your `custom/conf/app.ini`: