@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ HOST_PORT="YOUR_HOST_PORT" # The port on host, which will be redirected t
# apt source, you can select 'nchc'(mirror in Taiwan) or 'aliyun'(best for mainlance China users) according to your network, if you could connect to the official unbunt mirror in a fast speed, just leave it to "".
# apt source, you can select 'nchc'(mirror in Taiwan) or 'aliyun'(best for mainlance China users) according to your network, if you could connect to the official unbunt mirror in a fast speed, just leave it to "".
+DOCKER_BIN=$(which docker.io || which docker)
+if [ -z "$DOCKER_BIN" ] ; then
+ echo "Please install docker. You can install docker by running \"wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/ | sh\"."
+ exit 1
# Replace the database root password in database image Dockerfile.
# Replace the database root password in database image Dockerfile.
sed -i "s/THE_DB_PASSWORD/$DB_PASSWORD/g" images/$DB_TYPE/Dockerfile
sed -i "s/THE_DB_PASSWORD/$DB_PASSWORD/g" images/$DB_TYPE/Dockerfile
# Replace the database root password in gogits image deploy.sh file.
# Replace the database root password in gogits image deploy.sh file.
@@ -36,22 +42,22 @@ if [ $MEM_TYPE != "" ]
sed -i "${GOGS_BUILD_LINE}s/$/ -tags $MEM_TYPE/" images/gogits/Dockerfile
sed -i "${GOGS_BUILD_LINE}s/$/ -tags $MEM_TYPE/" images/gogits/Dockerfile
cd images/$MEM_TYPE
cd images/$MEM_TYPE
- docker build -t gogits/$MEM_TYPE .
- docker run -d --name $MEM_RUN_NAME gogits/$MEM_TYPE
+ $DOCKER_BIN build -t gogits/$MEM_TYPE .
+ $DOCKER_BIN run -d --name $MEM_RUN_NAME gogits/$MEM_TYPE
MEM_LINK=" --link $MEM_RUN_NAME:mem "
MEM_LINK=" --link $MEM_RUN_NAME:mem "
cd ../../
cd ../../
# Build the database image
# Build the database image
cd images/$DB_TYPE
cd images/$DB_TYPE
-docker build -t gogits/$DB_TYPE .
+$DOCKER_BIN build -t gogits/$DB_TYPE .
## Build the gogits image
## Build the gogits image
cd ../gogits
cd ../gogits
-docker build -t gogits/gogs .
+$DOCKER_BIN build -t gogits/gogs .
#sed -i "s#RUN go get -u -tags $MEM_TYPE github.com/gogits/gogs#RUN go get -u github.com/gogits/gogs#g" Dockerfile
#sed -i "s#RUN go get -u -tags $MEM_TYPE github.com/gogits/gogs#RUN go get -u github.com/gogits/gogs#g" Dockerfile
@@ -60,9 +66,9 @@ sed -i "s/ -tags $MEM_TYPE//" Dockerfile
## Run MySQL image with name
## Run MySQL image with name
-docker run -d --name $DB_RUN_NAME gogits/$DB_TYPE
+$DOCKER_BIN run -d --name $DB_RUN_NAME gogits/$DB_TYPE
## Run gogits image and link it to the database image
## Run gogits image and link it to the database image
echo "Now we have the $DB_TYPE image(running) and gogs image, use the follow command to start gogs service:"
echo "Now we have the $DB_TYPE image(running) and gogs image, use the follow command to start gogs service:"
-echo -e "\033[33m docker run -i -t --link $DB_RUN_NAME:db $MEM_LINK -p $HOST_PORT:3000 gogits/gogs \033[0m"
+echo -e "\033[33m $DOCKER_BIN run -i -t --link $DB_RUN_NAME:db $MEM_LINK -p $HOST_PORT:3000 gogits/gogs \033[0m"