فهرست منبع

#1625 remove auto_register and makes it default

Unknwon 9 سال پیش
10فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه134 افزوده شده و 127 حذف شده
  1. 2 2
  2. 2 2
  3. 2 2
  4. 99 80
  5. 22 23
  6. 0 0
  7. 4 6
  8. 3 0
  9. 0 6
  10. 0 6

+ 2 - 2

@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way
 - Gravatar and custom source support
 - Mail service
 - Administration panel
-- Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3
-- Social account login (GitHub, Google, QQ, Weibo)
+- CI integration: [Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone)
+- Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 and [TiDB](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb)
 - Multi-language support ([14 languages](https://crowdin.com/project/gogs))
 ## System Requirements

+ 2 - 2

@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ Gogs 的目标是打造一个最简单、最快速和最轻松的方式搭建自
 - 支持 Gravatar 以及自定义源
 - 支持邮件服务
 - 支持后台管理面板
-- 支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL 以及 SQLite3 数据库
-- 支持社交帐号登录(GitHub、Google、QQ、微博)
+- 支持 CI 集成:[Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone)
+- 支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite3 和 [TiDB](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb) 数据库
 - 支持多语言本地化([14 种语言]([more](https://crowdin.com/project/gogs)))
 ## 系统要求

+ 2 - 2

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ code = Code
 install = Installation
 title = Install Steps For First-time Run
-requite_db_desc = Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite3.
+requite_db_desc = Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 or TiDB.
 db_title = Database Settings
 db_type = Database Type
 host = Host
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ db_name = Database Name
 db_helper = Please use INNODB engine with utf8_general_ci charset for MySQL.
 ssl_mode = SSL Mode
 path = Path
-sqlite_helper = The file path of SQLite3 database.
+sqlite_helper = The file path of SQLite3 or TiDB database.
 err_empty_db_path = SQLite3 or TiDB database path cannot be empty.
 err_invalid_tidb_name = TiDB database name does not allow characters "." and "-".
 no_admin_and_disable_registration = You cannot disable registration without creating an admin account.

+ 99 - 80

@@ -96,14 +96,13 @@ func (cfg *PAMConfig) ToDB() ([]byte, error) {
 type LoginSource struct {
-	ID                int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
-	Type              LoginType
-	Name              string          `xorm:"UNIQUE"`
-	IsActived         bool            `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"`
-	Cfg               core.Conversion `xorm:"TEXT"`
-	AllowAutoRegister bool            `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"`
-	Created           time.Time       `xorm:"CREATED"`
-	Updated           time.Time       `xorm:"UPDATED"`
+	ID        int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
+	Type      LoginType
+	Name      string          `xorm:"UNIQUE"`
+	IsActived bool            `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"`
+	Cfg       core.Conversion `xorm:"TEXT"`
+	Created   time.Time       `xorm:"CREATED"`
+	Updated   time.Time       `xorm:"UPDATED"`
 func (source *LoginSource) BeforeSet(colName string, val xorm.Cell) {
@@ -208,81 +207,18 @@ func DeleteSource(source *LoginSource) error {
 	return err
-// UserSignIn validates user name and password.
-func UserSignIn(uname, passwd string) (*User, error) {
-	var u *User
-	if strings.Contains(uname, "@") {
-		u = &User{Email: uname}
-	} else {
-		u = &User{LowerName: strings.ToLower(uname)}
-	}
-	userExists, err := x.Get(u)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if userExists {
-		switch u.LoginType {
-		case NOTYPE, PLAIN:
-			if u.ValidatePassword(passwd) {
-				return u, nil
-			}
-			return nil, ErrUserNotExist{u.Id, u.Name}
-		default:
-			var source LoginSource
-			hasSource, err := x.Id(u.LoginSource).Get(&source)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			} else if !hasSource {
-				return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotExist
-			}
-			return ExternalUserLogin(u, u.LoginName, passwd, &source, false)
-		}
-	}
-	var sources []LoginSource
-	if err = x.UseBool().Find(&sources, &LoginSource{IsActived: true}); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	for _, source := range sources {
-		u, err := ExternalUserLogin(nil, uname, passwd, &source, source.AllowAutoRegister)
-		if err == nil {
-			return u, nil
-		}
-		log.Warn("Failed to login '%s' via '%s': %v", uname, source.Name, err)
-	}
-	return nil, ErrUserNotExist{u.Id, u.Name}
-func ExternalUserLogin(u *User, name, passwd string, source *LoginSource, autoRegister bool) (*User, error) {
-	if !source.IsActived {
-		return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotActived
-	}
-	switch source.Type {
-	case LDAP, DLDAP:
-		return LoginUserLdapSource(u, name, passwd, source, autoRegister)
-	case SMTP:
-		return LoginUserSMTPSource(u, name, passwd, source.ID, source.Cfg.(*SMTPConfig), autoRegister)
-	case PAM:
-		return LoginUserPAMSource(u, name, passwd, source.ID, source.Cfg.(*PAMConfig), autoRegister)
-	}
-	return nil, ErrUnsupportedLoginType
+// .____     ________      _____ __________
+// |    |    \______ \    /  _  \\______   \
+// |    |     |    |  \  /  /_\  \|     ___/
+// |    |___  |    `   \/    |    \    |
+// |_______ \/_______  /\____|__  /____|
+//         \/        \/         \/
 // Query if name/passwd can login against the LDAP directory pool
 // Create a local user if success
 // Return the same LoginUserPlain semantic
 // FIXME: https://github.com/gogits/gogs/issues/672
-func LoginUserLdapSource(u *User, name, passwd string, source *LoginSource, autoRegister bool) (*User, error) {
+func LoginUserLDAPSource(u *User, name, passwd string, source *LoginSource, autoRegister bool) (*User, error) {
 	cfg := source.Cfg.(*LDAPConfig)
 	directBind := (source.Type == DLDAP)
 	fn, sn, mail, admin, logged := cfg.Ldapsource.SearchEntry(name, passwd, directBind)
@@ -303,11 +239,10 @@ func LoginUserLdapSource(u *User, name, passwd string, source *LoginSource, auto
 	u = &User{
 		LowerName:   strings.ToLower(name),
 		Name:        name,
-		FullName:    fn + " " + sn,
+		FullName:    strings.TrimSpace(fn + " " + sn),
 		LoginType:   source.Type,
 		LoginSource: source.ID,
 		LoginName:   name,
-		Passwd:      passwd,
 		Email:       mail,
 		IsAdmin:     admin,
 		IsActive:    true,
@@ -315,6 +250,13 @@ func LoginUserLdapSource(u *User, name, passwd string, source *LoginSource, auto
 	return u, CreateUser(u)
+//   _________   __________________________
+//  /   _____/  /     \__    ___/\______   \
+//  \_____  \  /  \ /  \|    |    |     ___/
+//  /        \/    Y    \    |    |    |
+// /_______  /\____|__  /____|    |____|
+//         \/         \/
 type loginAuth struct {
 	username, password string
@@ -433,6 +375,13 @@ func LoginUserSMTPSource(u *User, name, passwd string, sourceId int64, cfg *SMTP
 	return u, err
+// __________  _____      _____
+// \______   \/  _  \    /     \
+//  |     ___/  /_\  \  /  \ /  \
+//  |    |  /    |    \/    Y    \
+//  |____|  \____|__  /\____|__  /
+//                  \/         \/
 // Query if name/passwd can login against PAM
 // Create a local user if success
 // Return the same LoginUserPlain semantic
@@ -462,3 +411,73 @@ func LoginUserPAMSource(u *User, name, passwd string, sourceId int64, cfg *PAMCo
 	err := CreateUser(u)
 	return u, err
+func ExternalUserLogin(u *User, name, passwd string, source *LoginSource, autoRegister bool) (*User, error) {
+	if !source.IsActived {
+		return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotActived
+	}
+	switch source.Type {
+	case LDAP, DLDAP:
+		return LoginUserLDAPSource(u, name, passwd, source, autoRegister)
+	case SMTP:
+		return LoginUserSMTPSource(u, name, passwd, source.ID, source.Cfg.(*SMTPConfig), autoRegister)
+	case PAM:
+		return LoginUserPAMSource(u, name, passwd, source.ID, source.Cfg.(*PAMConfig), autoRegister)
+	}
+	return nil, ErrUnsupportedLoginType
+// UserSignIn validates user name and password.
+func UserSignIn(uname, passwd string) (*User, error) {
+	var u *User
+	if strings.Contains(uname, "@") {
+		u = &User{Email: uname}
+	} else {
+		u = &User{LowerName: strings.ToLower(uname)}
+	}
+	userExists, err := x.Get(u)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if userExists {
+		switch u.LoginType {
+		case NOTYPE, PLAIN:
+			if u.ValidatePassword(passwd) {
+				return u, nil
+			}
+			return nil, ErrUserNotExist{u.Id, u.Name}
+		default:
+			var source LoginSource
+			hasSource, err := x.Id(u.LoginSource).Get(&source)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			} else if !hasSource {
+				return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotExist
+			}
+			return ExternalUserLogin(u, u.LoginName, passwd, &source, false)
+		}
+	}
+	var sources []LoginSource
+	if err = x.UseBool().Find(&sources, &LoginSource{IsActived: true}); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	for _, source := range sources {
+		u, err := ExternalUserLogin(nil, uname, passwd, &source, true)
+		if err == nil {
+			return u, nil
+		}
+		log.Warn("Failed to login '%s' via '%s': %v", uname, source.Name, err)
+	}
+	return nil, ErrUserNotExist{u.Id, u.Name}

+ 22 - 23

@@ -10,29 +10,28 @@ import (
 type AuthenticationForm struct {
-	ID                int64
-	Type              int    `binding:"Range(2,5)"`
-	Name              string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(30)"`
-	Host              string
-	Port              int
-	BindDN            string
-	BindPassword      string
-	UserBase          string
-	UserDN            string `form:"user_dn"`
-	AttributeName     string
-	AttributeSurname  string
-	AttributeMail     string
-	Filter            string
-	AdminFilter       string
-	IsActive          bool
-	SMTPAuth          string
-	SMTPHost          string
-	SMTPPort          int
-	AllowedDomains    string
-	TLS               bool
-	SkipVerify        bool
-	AllowAutoRegister bool
-	PAMServiceName    string `form:"pam_service_name"`
+	ID               int64
+	Type             int    `binding:"Range(2,5)"`
+	Name             string `binding:"Required;MaxSize(30)"`
+	Host             string
+	Port             int
+	BindDN           string
+	BindPassword     string
+	UserBase         string
+	UserDN           string `form:"user_dn"`
+	AttributeName    string
+	AttributeSurname string
+	AttributeMail    string
+	Filter           string
+	AdminFilter      string
+	IsActive         bool
+	SMTPAuth         string
+	SMTPHost         string
+	SMTPPort         int
+	AllowedDomains   string
+	TLS              bool
+	SkipVerify       bool
+	PAMServiceName   string `form:"pam_service_name"`
 func (f *AuthenticationForm) Validate(ctx *macaron.Context, errs binding.Errors) binding.Errors {

تفاوت فایلی نمایش داده نمی شود زیرا این فایل بسیار بزرگ است
+ 0 - 0

+ 4 - 6

@@ -127,11 +127,10 @@ func NewAuthSourcePost(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.AuthenticationForm) {
 	if err := models.CreateSource(&models.LoginSource{
-		Type:              models.LoginType(form.Type),
-		Name:              form.Name,
-		IsActived:         form.IsActive,
-		AllowAutoRegister: form.AllowAutoRegister,
-		Cfg:               config,
+		Type:      models.LoginType(form.Type),
+		Name:      form.Name,
+		IsActived: form.IsActive,
+		Cfg:       config,
 	}); err != nil {
 		ctx.Handle(500, "CreateSource", err)
@@ -195,7 +194,6 @@ func EditAuthSourcePost(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.AuthenticationForm) {
 	source.Name = form.Name
 	source.IsActived = form.IsActive
-	source.AllowAutoRegister = form.AllowAutoRegister
 	source.Cfg = config
 	if err := models.UpdateSource(source); err != nil {
 		ctx.Handle(500, "UpdateSource", err)

+ 3 - 0

@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ func GlobalInit() {
 	if models.EnableSQLite3 {
 		log.Info("SQLite3 Supported")
+	if models.EnableTidb {
+		log.Info("TiDB Supported")
+	}

+ 0 - 6

@@ -131,12 +131,6 @@
-            <div class="inline field">
-              <div class="ui checkbox">
-                <label><strong>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.enable_auto_register"}}</strong></label>
-                <input name="allow_auto_register" type="checkbox" {{if .Source.AllowAutoRegister}}checked{{end}}>
-              </div>
-            </div>
             <div class="inline field">
               <div class="ui checkbox">
                 <label><strong>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.activated"}}</strong></label>

+ 0 - 6

@@ -128,12 +128,6 @@
                 <input name="skip_verify" type="checkbox" {{if .skip_verify}}checked{{end}}>
-            <div class="inline field">
-              <div class="ui checkbox">
-                <label><strong>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.enable_auto_register"}}</strong></label>
-                <input name="allow_auto_register" type="checkbox" {{if .allow_auto_register}}checked{{end}}>
-              </div>
-            </div>
             <div class="inline field">
               <div class="ui checkbox">
                 <label><strong>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.activated"}}</strong></label>

برخی فایل ها در این مقایسه diff نمایش داده نمی شوند زیرا تعداد فایل ها بسیار زیاد است