{{range .Feeds}} <div class="news"> <div class="ui left"> <img class="ui avatar image" src="{{.ActAvatar}}" alt=""> </div> <div class="ui grid"> <div class="ui fifteen wide column"> <div class="{{if eq .GetOpType 5}}push news{{end}}"> <p> <a href="{{AppSubURL}}/{{.GetActUserName}}">{{.ShortActUserName}}</a> <!-- Reference types to models/action.go --> {{if eq .GetOpType 1}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_repo" .GetRepoLink .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 2}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.rename_repo" .GetContent .GetRepoLink .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 5}} {{ $branchLink := .GetBranch | EscapePound}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.commit_repo" .GetRepoLink $branchLink .GetBranch .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 6}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_issue" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 7}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_pull_request" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 8}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.transfer_repo" .GetContent .GetRepoLink .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 9}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.push_tag" .GetRepoLink .GetBranch .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 10}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.comment_issue" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 11}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.merge_pull_request" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 12}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.close_issue" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 13}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.reopen_issue" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 14}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.close_pull_request" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 15}} {{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.reopen_pull_request" .GetRepoLink $index .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 16}} {{ $branchLink := .GetBranch | EscapePound}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_branch" .GetRepoLink $branchLink .GetBranch .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 17}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.delete_branch" .GetRepoLink .GetBranch .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 18}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.delete_tag" .GetRepoLink .GetBranch .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{else if eq .GetOpType 19}} {{$.i18n.Tr "action.fork_repo" .GetRepoLink .ShortRepoPath | Str2html}} {{end}} </p> {{if eq .GetOpType 5}} <div class="content"> <ul> {{ $push := ActionContent2Commits .}} {{ $repoLink := .GetRepoLink}} {{if $push.Commits}} {{range $push.Commits}} <li><img class="img-8" src="{{$push.AvatarLink .AuthorEmail}}"> <a class="commit-id" href="{{$repoLink}}/commit/{{.Sha1}}">{{ShortSHA1 .Sha1}}</a> <span class="text truncate light grey has-emoji">{{.Message}}</span></li> {{end}} {{end}} {{if and (gt $push.Len 1) $push.CompareURL}}<li><a href="{{AppSubURL}}/{{$push.CompareURL}}">{{$.i18n.Tr "action.compare_commits" $push.Len}} ยป</a></li>{{end}} </ul> </div> {{else if eq .GetOpType 6}} <span class="text truncate issue title has-emoji">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1}}</span> {{else if eq .GetOpType 7}} <span class="text truncate issue title has-emoji">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1}}</span> {{else if eq .GetOpType 10}} <span class="text truncate issue title has-emoji">{{.GetIssueTitle}}</span> <p class="text light grey has-emoji">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1}}</p> {{else if eq .GetOpType 11}} <p class="text light grey has-emoji">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1}}</p> {{else if (or (or (eq .GetOpType 12) (eq .GetOpType 13)) (or (eq .GetOpType 14) (eq .GetOpType 15)))}} <span class="text truncate issue title has-emoji">{{.GetIssueTitle}}</span> {{end}} <p class="text italic light grey">{{TimeSince .GetCreate $.i18n.Lang}}</p> </div> </div> <div class="ui one wide column"> <i class="text grey mega-octicon octicon-{{ActionIcon .GetOpType}}"></i> </div> </div> <div class="ui divider"></div> </div> {{end}}