// Copyright 2020 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package conf

import (


// ℹ️ README: This file contains static values that should only be set at initialization time.

// HasMinWinSvc is whether the application is built with Windows Service support.
// ⚠️ WARNING: should only be set by "internal/conf/static_minwinsvc.go".
var HasMinWinSvc bool

// Build time and commit information.
// ⚠️ WARNING: should only be set by "-ldflags".
var (
	BuildTime   string
	BuildCommit string

// CustomConf returns the absolute path of custom configuration file that is used.
var CustomConf string

// ⚠️ WARNING: After changing the following section, do not forget to update template of
// "/admin/config" page as well.
var (
	// Application settings
	App struct {
		// ⚠️ WARNING: Should only be set by the main package (i.e. "gogs.go").
		Version string `ini:"-"`

		BrandName string
		RunUser   string
		RunMode   string

		// Deprecated: Use BrandName instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		AppName string

	// SSH settings
	SSH struct {
		Disabled                     bool   `ini:"DISABLE_SSH"`
		Domain                       string `ini:"SSH_DOMAIN"`
		Port                         int    `ini:"SSH_PORT"`
		RootPath                     string `ini:"SSH_ROOT_PATH"`
		KeygenPath                   string `ini:"SSH_KEYGEN_PATH"`
		KeyTestPath                  string `ini:"SSH_KEY_TEST_PATH"`
		MinimumKeySizeCheck          bool
		MinimumKeySizes              map[string]int `ini:"-"` // Load from [ssh.minimum_key_sizes]
		RewriteAuthorizedKeysAtStart bool

		StartBuiltinServer bool     `ini:"START_SSH_SERVER"`
		ListenHost         string   `ini:"SSH_LISTEN_HOST"`
		ListenPort         int      `ini:"SSH_LISTEN_PORT"`
		ServerCiphers      []string `ini:"SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS"`

	// Repository settings
	Repository struct {
		Root                     string
		ScriptType               string
		ANSICharset              string `ini:"ANSI_CHARSET"`
		ForcePrivate             bool
		MaxCreationLimit         int
		PreferredLicenses        []string
		DisableHTTPGit           bool `ini:"DISABLE_HTTP_GIT"`
		EnableLocalPathMigration bool
		EnableRawFileRenderMode  bool
		CommitsFetchConcurrency  int

		// Repository editor settings
		Editor struct {
			LineWrapExtensions   []string
			PreviewableFileModes []string
		} `ini:"repository.editor"`

		// Repository upload settings
		Upload struct {
			Enabled      bool
			TempPath     string
			AllowedTypes []string `delim:"|"`
			FileMaxSize  int64
			MaxFiles     int
		} `ini:"repository.upload"`

	// Security settings
	Security struct {
		InstallLock             bool
		SecretKey               string
		LoginRememberDays       int
		CookieRememberName      string
		CookieUsername          string
		CookieSecure            bool
		EnableLoginStatusCookie bool
		LoginStatusCookieName   string

		// Deprecated: Use Auth.ReverseProxyAuthenticationHeader instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		ReverseProxyAuthenticationUser string

	// Email settings
	Email struct {
		Enabled       bool
		SubjectPrefix string
		Host          string
		From          string
		User          string
		Password      string

		DisableHELO  bool   `ini:"DISABLE_HELO"`
		HELOHostname string `ini:"HELO_HOSTNAME"`

		SkipVerify     bool
		UseCertificate bool
		CertFile       string
		KeyFile        string

		UsePlainText    bool
		AddPlainTextAlt bool

		// Derived from other static values
		FromEmail string `ini:"-"` // Parsed email address of From without person's name.

		// Deprecated: Use Password instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		Passwd string

	// Authentication settings
	Auth struct {
		ActivateCodeLives         int
		ResetPasswordCodeLives    int
		RequireEmailConfirmation  bool
		RequireSigninView         bool
		DisableRegistration       bool
		EnableRegistrationCaptcha bool

		EnableReverseProxyAuthentication   bool
		EnableReverseProxyAutoRegistration bool
		ReverseProxyAuthenticationHeader   string

		// Deprecated: Use ActivateCodeLives instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		ActiveCodeLiveMinutes int
		// Deprecated: Use ResetPasswordCodeLives instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		ResetPasswdCodeLiveMinutes int
		// Deprecated: Use RequireEmailConfirmation instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		RegisterEmailConfirm bool
		// Deprecated: Use EnableRegistrationCaptcha instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		EnableCaptcha bool
		// Deprecated: Use User.EnableEmailNotification instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		EnableNotifyMail bool

	// User settings
	User struct {
		EnableEmailNotification bool

	// Session settings
	Session struct {
		Provider       string
		ProviderConfig string
		CookieName     string
		CookieSecure   bool
		GCInterval     int64 `ini:"GC_INTERVAL"`
		MaxLifeTime    int64
		CSRFCookieName string `ini:"CSRF_COOKIE_NAME"`

		// Deprecated: Use GCInterval instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		GCIntervalTime int64 `ini:"GC_INTERVAL_TIME"`
		// Deprecated: Use MaxLifeTime instead, will be removed in 0.13.
		SessionLifeTime int64

	// Cache settings
	Cache struct {
		Adapter  string
		Interval int
		Host     string

	// HTTP settings
	HTTP struct {
		AccessControlAllowOrigin string

	// Attachment settings
	Attachment struct {
		Enabled      bool
		Path         string
		AllowedTypes []string `delim:"|"`
		MaxSize      int64
		MaxFiles     int

	// Release settings
	Release struct {
		Attachment struct {
			Enabled      bool
			AllowedTypes []string `delim:"|"`
			MaxSize      int64
			MaxFiles     int
		} `ini:"release.attachment"`

	// Time settings
	Time struct {
		Format string

		// Derived from other static values
		FormatLayout string `ini:"-"` // Actual layout of the Format.

	// Picture settings
	Picture struct {
		AvatarUploadPath           string
		RepositoryAvatarUploadPath string
		GravatarSource             string
		DisableGravatar            bool
		EnableFederatedAvatar      bool

		// Derived from other static values
		LibravatarService *libravatar.Libravatar `ini:"-"` // Initialized client for federated avatar.

	// Mirror settings
	Mirror struct {
		DefaultInterval int

	// Webhook settings
	Webhook struct {
		Types          []string
		DeliverTimeout int
		SkipTLSVerify  bool `ini:"SKIP_TLS_VERIFY"`
		PagingNum      int

	// Markdown settings
	Markdown struct {
		EnableHardLineBreak bool
		CustomURLSchemes    []string `ini:"CUSTOM_URL_SCHEMES"`
		FileExtensions      []string

	// Smartypants settings
	Smartypants struct {
		Enabled      bool
		Fractions    bool
		Dashes       bool
		LatexDashes  bool
		AngledQuotes bool

	// Admin settings
	Admin struct {
		DisableRegularOrgCreation bool

	// Cron tasks
	Cron struct {
		UpdateMirror struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
		} `ini:"cron.update_mirrors"`
		RepoHealthCheck struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			Timeout    time.Duration
			Args       []string `delim:" "`
		} `ini:"cron.repo_health_check"`
		CheckRepoStats struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
		} `ini:"cron.check_repo_stats"`
		RepoArchiveCleanup struct {
			Enabled    bool
			RunAtStart bool
			Schedule   string
			OlderThan  time.Duration
		} `ini:"cron.repo_archive_cleanup"`

	// Git settings
	Git struct {
		// ⚠️ WARNING: Should only be set by "internal/db/repo.go".
		Version string `ini:"-"`

		DisableDiffHighlight bool
		MaxDiffFiles         int      `ini:"MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES"`
		MaxDiffLines         int      `ini:"MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES"`
		MaxDiffLineChars     int      `ini:"MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS"`
		GCArgs               []string `ini:"GC_ARGS" delim:" "`
		Timeout              struct {
			Migrate int
			Mirror  int
			Clone   int
			Pull    int
			GC      int `ini:"GC"`
		} `ini:"git.timeout"`

	// API settings
	API struct {
		MaxResponseItems int

	// UI settings
	UI struct {
		ExplorePagingNum   int
		IssuePagingNum     int
		FeedMaxCommitNum   int
		ThemeColorMetaTag  string
		MaxDisplayFileSize int64

		Admin struct {
			UserPagingNum   int
			RepoPagingNum   int
			NoticePagingNum int
			OrgPagingNum    int
		} `ini:"ui.admin"`
		User struct {
			RepoPagingNum     int
			NewsFeedPagingNum int
			CommitsPagingNum  int
		} `ini:"ui.user"`

	// Prometheus settings
	Prometheus struct {
		Enabled           bool
		EnableBasicAuth   bool
		BasicAuthUsername string
		BasicAuthPassword string

	// Other settings
	Other struct {
		ShowFooterBranding         bool
		ShowFooterTemplateLoadTime bool

	// Global setting
	HasRobotsTxt bool

type ServerOpts struct {
	ExternalURL          string `ini:"EXTERNAL_URL"`
	Domain               string
	Protocol             string
	HTTPAddr             string `ini:"HTTP_ADDR"`
	HTTPPort             string `ini:"HTTP_PORT"`
	CertFile             string
	KeyFile              string
	TLSMinVersion        string `ini:"TLS_MIN_VERSION"`
	UnixSocketPermission string
	LocalRootURL         string `ini:"LOCAL_ROOT_URL"`

	OfflineMode      bool
	DisableRouterLog bool
	EnableGzip       bool

	AppDataPath        string
	LoadAssetsFromDisk bool

	LandingURL string `ini:"LANDING_URL"`

	// Derived from other static values
	URL            *url.URL    `ini:"-"` // Parsed URL object of ExternalURL.
	Subpath        string      `ini:"-"` // Subpath found the ExternalURL. Should be empty when not found.
	SubpathDepth   int         `ini:"-"` // The number of slashes found in the Subpath.
	UnixSocketMode os.FileMode `ini:"-"` // Parsed file mode of UnixSocketPermission.

	// Deprecated: Use ExternalURL instead, will be removed in 0.13.
	RootURL string `ini:"ROOT_URL"`
	// Deprecated: Use LandingURL instead, will be removed in 0.13.
	LangdingPage string `ini:"LANDING_PAGE"`

// Server settings
var Server ServerOpts

type DatabaseOpts struct {
	Type         string
	Host         string
	Name         string
	User         string
	Password     string
	SSLMode      string `ini:"SSL_MODE"`
	Path         string
	MaxOpenConns int
	MaxIdleConns int

	// Deprecated: Use Type instead, will be removed in 0.13.
	DbType string
	// Deprecated: Use Password instead, will be removed in 0.13.
	Passwd string

// Database settings
var Database DatabaseOpts

type LFSOpts struct {
	Storage     string
	ObjectsPath string

// LFS settings
var LFS LFSOpts

type i18nConf struct {
	Langs     []string          `delim:","`
	Names     []string          `delim:","`
	dateLangs map[string]string `ini:"-"`

// DateLang transforms standard language locale name to corresponding value in datetime plugin.
func (c *i18nConf) DateLang(lang string) string {
	name, ok := c.dateLangs[lang]
	if ok {
		return name
	return "en"

// I18n settings
var I18n *i18nConf

// handleDeprecated transfers deprecated values to the new ones when set.
func handleDeprecated() {
	if App.AppName != "" {
		App.BrandName = App.AppName
		App.AppName = ""

	if Server.RootURL != "" {
		Server.ExternalURL = Server.RootURL
		Server.RootURL = ""
	if Server.LangdingPage == "explore" {
		Server.LandingURL = "/explore"
		Server.LangdingPage = ""

	if Database.DbType != "" {
		Database.Type = Database.DbType
		Database.DbType = ""
	if Database.Passwd != "" {
		Database.Password = Database.Passwd
		Database.Passwd = ""

	if Email.Passwd != "" {
		Email.Password = Email.Passwd
		Email.Passwd = ""

	if Auth.ActiveCodeLiveMinutes > 0 {
		Auth.ActivateCodeLives = Auth.ActiveCodeLiveMinutes
		Auth.ActiveCodeLiveMinutes = 0
	if Auth.ResetPasswdCodeLiveMinutes > 0 {
		Auth.ResetPasswordCodeLives = Auth.ResetPasswdCodeLiveMinutes
		Auth.ResetPasswdCodeLiveMinutes = 0
	if Auth.RegisterEmailConfirm {
		Auth.RequireEmailConfirmation = true
		Auth.RegisterEmailConfirm = false
	if Auth.EnableCaptcha {
		Auth.EnableRegistrationCaptcha = true
		Auth.EnableCaptcha = false
	if Security.ReverseProxyAuthenticationUser != "" {
		Auth.ReverseProxyAuthenticationHeader = Security.ReverseProxyAuthenticationUser
		Security.ReverseProxyAuthenticationUser = ""

	if Auth.EnableNotifyMail {
		User.EnableEmailNotification = true
		Auth.EnableNotifyMail = false

	if Session.GCIntervalTime > 0 {
		Session.GCInterval = Session.GCIntervalTime
		Session.GCIntervalTime = 0
	if Session.SessionLifeTime > 0 {
		Session.MaxLifeTime = Session.SessionLifeTime
		Session.SessionLifeTime = 0

// HookMode indicates whether program starts as Git server-side hook callback.
// All operations should be done synchronously to prevent program exits before finishing.
// ⚠️ WARNING: Should only be set by "internal/cmd/serv.go".
var HookMode bool

// Indicates which database backend is currently being used.
var (
	UseSQLite3    bool
	UseMySQL      bool
	UsePostgreSQL bool
	UseMSSQL      bool