123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418 |
- // Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- package user
- import (
- "fmt"
- "net/url"
- "strings"
- "github.com/codegangsta/martini"
- "github.com/gogits/gogs/models"
- "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth"
- "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base"
- "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log"
- "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/mailer"
- "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/middleware"
- )
- func Dashboard(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- ctx.Data["Title"] = "Dashboard"
- ctx.Data["PageIsUserDashboard"] = true
- repos, err := models.GetRepositories(&models.User{Id: ctx.User.Id})
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Dashboard", err)
- return
- }
- ctx.Data["MyRepos"] = repos
- feeds, err := models.GetFeeds(ctx.User.Id, 0, false)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Dashboard", err)
- return
- }
- ctx.Data["Feeds"] = feeds
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/dashboard")
- }
- func Profile(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) {
- ctx.Data["Title"] = "Profile"
- // TODO: Need to check view self or others.
- user, err := models.GetUserByName(params["username"])
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Profile", err)
- return
- }
- ctx.Data["Owner"] = user
- tab := ctx.Query("tab")
- ctx.Data["TabName"] = tab
- switch tab {
- case "activity":
- feeds, err := models.GetFeeds(user.Id, 0, true)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Profile", err)
- return
- }
- ctx.Data["Feeds"] = feeds
- default:
- repos, err := models.GetRepositories(user)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Profile", err)
- return
- }
- ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos
- }
- ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/profile")
- }
- func SignIn(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.LogInForm) {
- ctx.Data["Title"] = "Log In"
- if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" {
- // Check auto-login.
- userName := ctx.GetCookie(base.CookieUserName)
- if len(userName) == 0 {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin")
- return
- }
- isSucceed := false
- defer func() {
- if !isSucceed {
- log.Trace("%s auto-login cookie cleared: %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, userName)
- ctx.SetCookie(base.CookieUserName, "", -1)
- ctx.SetCookie(base.CookieRememberName, "", -1)
- }
- }()
- user, err := models.GetUserByName(userName)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin")
- return
- }
- secret := base.EncodeMd5(user.Rands + user.Passwd)
- value, _ := ctx.GetSecureCookie(secret, base.CookieRememberName)
- if value != user.Name {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin")
- return
- }
- isSucceed = true
- ctx.Session.Set("userId", user.Id)
- ctx.Session.Set("userName", user.Name)
- redirectTo, _ := url.QueryUnescape(ctx.GetCookie("redirect_to"))
- if len(redirectTo) > 0 {
- ctx.SetCookie("redirect_to", "", -1)
- ctx.Redirect(redirectTo)
- } else {
- ctx.Redirect("/")
- }
- return
- }
- if ctx.HasError() {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin")
- return
- }
- user, err := models.LoginUserPlain(form.UserName, form.Password)
- if err != nil {
- if err == models.ErrUserNotExist {
- log.Trace("%s Log in failed: %s/%s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, form.UserName, form.Password)
- ctx.RenderWithErr("Username or password is not correct", "user/signin", &form)
- return
- }
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.SignIn", err)
- return
- }
- if form.Remember == "on" {
- secret := base.EncodeMd5(user.Rands + user.Passwd)
- days := 86400 * base.LogInRememberDays
- ctx.SetCookie(base.CookieUserName, user.Name, days)
- ctx.SetSecureCookie(secret, base.CookieRememberName, user.Name, days)
- }
- ctx.Session.Set("userId", user.Id)
- ctx.Session.Set("userName", user.Name)
- redirectTo, _ := url.QueryUnescape(ctx.GetCookie("redirect_to"))
- if len(redirectTo) > 0 {
- ctx.SetCookie("redirect_to", "", -1)
- ctx.Redirect(redirectTo)
- } else {
- ctx.Redirect("/")
- }
- }
- func SignOut(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- ctx.Session.Delete("userId")
- ctx.Session.Delete("userName")
- ctx.SetCookie(base.CookieUserName, "", -1)
- ctx.SetCookie(base.CookieRememberName, "", -1)
- ctx.Redirect("/")
- }
- func SignUp(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.RegisterForm) {
- ctx.Data["Title"] = "Sign Up"
- ctx.Data["PageIsSignUp"] = true
- if base.Service.DisenableRegisteration {
- ctx.Data["DisenableRegisteration"] = true
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup")
- return
- }
- if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup")
- return
- }
- if form.Password != form.RetypePasswd {
- ctx.Data["HasError"] = true
- ctx.Data["Err_Password"] = true
- ctx.Data["Err_RetypePasswd"] = true
- ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = "Password and re-type password are not same"
- auth.AssignForm(form, ctx.Data)
- }
- if ctx.HasError() {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup")
- return
- }
- u := &models.User{
- Name: form.UserName,
- Email: form.Email,
- Passwd: form.Password,
- IsActive: !base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm,
- }
- var err error
- if u, err = models.RegisterUser(u); err != nil {
- switch err {
- case models.ErrUserAlreadyExist:
- ctx.RenderWithErr("Username has been already taken", "user/signup", &form)
- case models.ErrEmailAlreadyUsed:
- ctx.RenderWithErr("E-mail address has been already used", "user/signup", &form)
- case models.ErrUserNameIllegal:
- ctx.RenderWithErr(models.ErrRepoNameIllegal.Error(), "user/signup", &form)
- default:
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.SignUp", err)
- }
- return
- }
- log.Trace("%s User created: %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, strings.ToLower(form.UserName))
- // Send confirmation e-mail.
- if base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm && u.Id > 1 {
- mailer.SendRegisterMail(ctx.Render, u)
- ctx.Data["IsSendRegisterMail"] = true
- ctx.Data["Email"] = u.Email
- ctx.Data["Hours"] = base.Service.ActiveCodeLives / 60
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/active")
- if err = ctx.Cache.Put("MailResendLimit_"+u.LowerName, u.LowerName, 180); err != nil {
- log.Error("Set cache(MailResendLimit) fail: %v", err)
- }
- return
- }
- ctx.Redirect("/user/login")
- }
- func Delete(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- ctx.Data["Title"] = "Delete Account"
- ctx.Data["PageIsUserSetting"] = true
- ctx.Data["IsUserPageSettingDelete"] = true
- if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/delete")
- return
- }
- tmpUser := models.User{Passwd: ctx.Query("password")}
- tmpUser.EncodePasswd()
- if len(tmpUser.Passwd) == 0 || tmpUser.Passwd != ctx.User.Passwd {
- ctx.Data["HasError"] = true
- ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = "Password is not correct. Make sure you are owner of this account."
- } else {
- if err := models.DeleteUser(ctx.User); err != nil {
- ctx.Data["HasError"] = true
- switch err {
- case models.ErrUserOwnRepos:
- ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = "Your account still have ownership of repository, you have to delete or transfer them first."
- default:
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Delete", err)
- return
- }
- } else {
- ctx.Redirect("/")
- return
- }
- }
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/delete")
- }
- const (
- TPL_FEED = `<i class="icon fa fa-%s"></i>
- <div class="info"><span class="meta">%s</span><br>%s</div>`
- )
- func Feeds(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.FeedsForm) {
- actions, err := models.GetFeeds(form.UserId, form.Page*20, false)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.JSON(500, err)
- }
- feeds := make([]string, len(actions))
- for i := range actions {
- feeds[i] = fmt.Sprintf(TPL_FEED, base.ActionIcon(actions[i].OpType),
- base.TimeSince(actions[i].Created), base.ActionDesc(actions[i]))
- }
- ctx.JSON(200, &feeds)
- }
- func Issues(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- ctx.Data["Title"] = "Your Issues"
- ctx.Data["ViewType"] = "all"
- page, _ := base.StrTo(ctx.Query("page")).Int()
- repoId, _ := base.StrTo(ctx.Query("repoid")).Int64()
- ctx.Data["RepoId"] = repoId
- var posterId int64 = 0
- if ctx.Query("type") == "created_by" {
- posterId = ctx.User.Id
- ctx.Data["ViewType"] = "created_by"
- }
- // Get all repositories.
- repos, err := models.GetRepositories(ctx.User)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Issues(get repositories)", err)
- return
- }
- showRepos := make([]models.Repository, 0, len(repos))
- isShowClosed := ctx.Query("state") == "closed"
- var closedIssueCount, createdByCount, allIssueCount int
- // Get all issues.
- allIssues := make([]models.Issue, 0, 5*len(repos))
- for i, repo := range repos {
- issues, err := models.GetIssues(0, repo.Id, posterId, 0, page, isShowClosed, false, "", "")
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Issues(get issues)", err)
- return
- }
- allIssueCount += repo.NumIssues
- closedIssueCount += repo.NumClosedIssues
- // Set repository information to issues.
- for j := range issues {
- issues[j].Repo = &repos[i]
- }
- allIssues = append(allIssues, issues...)
- repos[i].NumOpenIssues = repo.NumIssues - repo.NumClosedIssues
- if repos[i].NumOpenIssues > 0 {
- showRepos = append(showRepos, repos[i])
- }
- }
- showIssues := make([]models.Issue, 0, len(allIssues))
- ctx.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed
- // Get posters and filter issues.
- for i := range allIssues {
- u, err := models.GetUserById(allIssues[i].PosterId)
- if err != nil {
- ctx.Handle(200, "user.Issues(get poster): %v", err)
- return
- }
- allIssues[i].Poster = u
- if u.Id == ctx.User.Id {
- createdByCount++
- }
- if repoId > 0 && repoId != allIssues[i].Repo.Id {
- continue
- }
- if isShowClosed == allIssues[i].IsClosed {
- showIssues = append(showIssues, allIssues[i])
- }
- }
- ctx.Data["Repos"] = showRepos
- ctx.Data["Issues"] = showIssues
- ctx.Data["AllIssueCount"] = allIssueCount
- ctx.Data["ClosedIssueCount"] = closedIssueCount
- ctx.Data["OpenIssueCount"] = allIssueCount - closedIssueCount
- ctx.Data["CreatedByCount"] = createdByCount
- ctx.HTML(200, "issue/user")
- }
- func Pulls(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/pulls")
- }
- func Stars(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/stars")
- }
- func Activate(ctx *middleware.Context) {
- code := ctx.Query("code")
- if len(code) == 0 {
- ctx.Data["IsActivatePage"] = true
- if ctx.User.IsActive {
- ctx.Handle(404, "user.Activate", nil)
- return
- }
- // Resend confirmation e-mail.
- if base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm {
- if ctx.Cache.IsExist("MailResendLimit_" + ctx.User.LowerName) {
- ctx.Data["ResendLimited"] = true
- } else {
- ctx.Data["Hours"] = base.Service.ActiveCodeLives / 60
- mailer.SendActiveMail(ctx.Render, ctx.User)
- }
- } else {
- ctx.Data["ServiceNotEnabled"] = true
- }
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/active")
- return
- }
- // Verify code.
- if user := models.VerifyUserActiveCode(code); user != nil {
- user.IsActive = true
- user.Rands = models.GetUserSalt()
- models.UpdateUser(user)
- log.Trace("%s User activated: %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, user.LowerName)
- ctx.Session.Set("userId", user.Id)
- ctx.Session.Set("userName", user.Name)
- ctx.Redirect("/")
- return
- }
- ctx.Data["IsActivateFailed"] = true
- ctx.HTML(200, "user/active")
- }