locale_en-US.ini 7.6 KB

  1. app_desc = A painless self-hosted Git service written in Go
  2. home = Home
  3. dashboard = Dashboard
  4. explore = Explore
  5. help = Help
  6. sign_in = Sign In
  7. sign_out = Sign Out
  8. sign_up = Sign Up
  9. register = Register
  10. website = Website
  11. version = Version
  12. page = Page
  13. template = Template
  14. language = Language
  15. username = Username
  16. email = E-mail
  17. password = Password
  18. re_type = Re-Type
  19. captcha = Captcha
  20. repository = Repository
  21. organization = Organization
  22. mirror = Mirror
  23. new_repo = New Repository
  24. new_migrate = New Migration
  25. new_org = New Organization
  26. manage_org = Manage Organizations
  27. admin_panel = Admin Panel
  28. account_settings = Account Settings
  29. settings = Settings
  30. news_feed = News Feed
  31. pull_requests = Pull Requests
  32. issues = Issues
  33. cancel = Cancel
  34. [home]
  35. uname_holder = Username or E-mail
  36. password_holder = Password
  37. switch_dashboard_context = Switch Dashboard Context
  38. my_repos = My Repositories
  39. collaborative_repos = Collaborative Repositories
  40. my_orgs = My Organizations
  41. my_mirrors = My Mirrors
  42. [auth]
  43. create_new_account = Create New Account
  44. register_hepler_msg = Already have an account? Sign in now!
  45. disable_register_prompt = Sorry, registration has been disabled. Please contact the site administrator.
  46. remember_me = Remember Me
  47. forget_password = Fotget password?
  48. sign_up_now = Need an account? Sign up now.
  49. [form]
  50. UserName = Username
  51. RepoName = Repository name
  52. Email = E-mail address
  53. Password = Password
  54. Retype = Re-type password
  55. SSHTitle = SSH key name
  56. HttpsUrl = HTTPS URL
  57. require_error = ` cannot be empty.`
  58. alpha_dash_error = ` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters.`
  59. alpha_dash_dot_error = ` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) or dot characters.`
  60. min_size_error = ` must contain at least %s characters.`
  61. max_size_error = ` must contain at most %s characters.`
  62. email_error = ` is not a valid e-mail address.`
  63. url_error = ` is not a valid URL.`
  64. unknown_error = Unknown error:
  65. captcha_incorrect = Captcha didn't match.
  66. password_not_match = Password and re-type password are not same.
  67. username_been_taken = Username has been already taken.
  68. repo_name_been_taken = Repository name has been already taken.
  69. org_name_been_taken = Organization name has been already taken.
  70. email_been_used = E-mail address has been already used.
  71. ssh_key_been_used = Public key name has been used.
  72. illegal_username = Your username contains illegal characters.
  73. illegal_repo_name = Repository name contains illegal characters.
  74. illegal_org_name = Organization name contains illegal characters.
  75. username_password_incorrect = Username or password is not correct.
  76. enterred_invalid_repo_name = Please make sure you entered repository name is correct.
  77. enterred_invalid_owner_name = Please make sure you entered owner name is correct.
  78. enterred_invalid_password = Please make sure you entered passord is correct.
  79. user_not_exist = Given user does not exist.
  80. invalid_ssh_key = Sorry, we're not able to verify your SSH key: %s
  81. auth_failed = Authentication failed: %v
  82. still_own_repo = Your account still have ownership of repository, you have to delete or transfer them first.
  83. [settings]
  84. profile = Profile
  85. password = Password
  86. ssh_keys = SSH Keys
  87. social = Social Accounts
  88. orgs = Organizations
  89. delete = Delete Accoount
  90. public_profile = Public Profile
  91. profile_desc = Your Email address is public and will be used for any account related notifications, and any web based operations made via the site.
  92. full_name = Full Name
  93. website = Website
  94. location = Location
  95. update_profile = Update Profile
  96. update_profile_success = Your profile has been successfully updated.
  97. change_password = Change Password
  98. old_password = Current Password
  99. new_password = New Password
  100. password_incorrect = Current password is not correct.
  101. change_password_success = Password is changed successfully. You can now sign in via new password.
  102. manage_ssh_keys = Manage SSH Keys
  103. add_key = Add Key
  104. ssh_desc = This is a list of SSH keys associated with your account. Remove any keys that you do not recognize.
  105. ssh_helper = <strong>Need help?</strong> Check out our guide to <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys">generating SSH keys</a> or troubleshoot <a href="https://help.github.com/ssh-issues/">common SSH Problems</a>.
  106. add_new_key = Add SSH Key
  107. key_name = Key Name
  108. key_content = Content
  109. add_key_success = New SSH Key has been added!
  110. delete_key = Delete
  111. add_on = Added on
  112. last_used = Last used on
  113. no_activity = No recent activity
  114. manage_orgs = Manage Organizations
  115. manage_social = Manage Associated Social Accounts
  116. delete_account = Delete Your Account
  117. delete_prompt = The operation will delete your account permanently, and <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undo!
  118. confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
  119. [repo]
  120. owner = Owner
  121. repo_name = Repository Name
  122. repo_name_helper = Great repository names are short, memorable and <strong>unique</strong>.
  123. visibility = Visibility
  124. visiblity_helper = This repository is <span class="label label-red label-radius">Private</span>
  125. repo_desc = Description
  126. repo_lang = Language
  127. repo_lang_helper = Select a .gitignore file
  128. license = License
  129. license_helper = Select a license file
  130. init_readme = Initialize this repository with a README.md
  131. create_repo = Create Repository
  132. default_branch = Default Branch
  133. mirror_interval = Mirror Interval(hour)
  134. goget_meta = Go-Get Meta
  135. goget_meta_helper = This repository will be <span class="label label-blue label-radius">Go-Getable</span>
  136. need_auth = Need Authorization
  137. migrate_type = Migration Type
  138. migrate_type_helper = This repository will be a <span class="label label-blue label-radius">Mirror</span>
  139. migrate_repo = Migrate Repository
  140. settings = Settings
  141. settings.options = Options
  142. settings.collaboration = Collaboration
  143. settings.hooks = Webhooks
  144. settings.deploy_keys = Deploy Keys
  145. settings.basic_settings = Basic Settings
  146. settings.danger_zone = Danger Zone
  147. settings.site = Official Site
  148. settings.update_settings = Update Settings
  149. settings.transfer = Transfer Ownership
  150. settings.transfer_desc = Transfer this repo to another user or to an organization where you have admin rights.
  151. settings.delete = Delete This Repository
  152. settings.delete_desc = Once you delete a repository, there is no going back. Please be certain.
  153. settings.update_settings_success = Repository options has been successfully updated.
  154. settings.transfer_owner = New Owner
  155. settings.make_transfer = Make Transfer
  156. settings.confirm_delete = Confirm Deletion
  157. settings.add_collaborator = Add New Collaborator
  158. settings.add_collaborator_success = New collaborator has been added.
  159. settings.remove_collaborator_success = Collaborator has been removed.
  160. settings.add_webhook = Add Webhook
  161. settings.hooks_desc = Webhooks allow external services to be notified when certain events happen on Gogs. When the specified events happen, we'll send a POST request to each of the URLs you provide. Learn more in our <a target="_blank" href="http://gogs.io/docs/features/webhook.html">Webhooks Guide</a>.
  162. settings.remove_hook_success = Webhook has been removed.
  163. [org]
  164. org_name_holder = Organization Name
  165. org_name_helper = Great organization names are short and memorable.
  166. org_email_helper = Organization's Email receives all notifications and confirmations.
  167. create_org = Create Organization
  168. [action]
  169. create_repo = created repository <a href="/%s">%s</a>
  170. commit_repo = pushed to <a href="/%s/src/%s">%s</a> at <a href="/%s">%s</a>
  171. create_issue = opened issue <a href="/%s/issues/%s">%s#%s</a>
  172. comment_issue = commented on issue <a href="/%s/issues/%s">%s#%s</a>
  173. [tool]
  174. ago = ago
  175. from_now = from now
  176. now = now
  177. 1s = 1 second %s
  178. 1m = 1 mintue %s
  179. 1h = 1 hour %s
  180. 1d = 1 day %s
  181. 1w = 1 week %s
  182. 1mon = 1 month %s
  183. 1y = 1 year %s
  184. seconds = %d seconds %s
  185. minutes = %d minutes %s
  186. hours = %d hours %s
  187. days = %d days %s
  188. weeks = %d weeks %s
  189. months = %d months %s
  190. years = %d years %s